报告题目: Feature Mining with Machine Intelligence in Multimedia Forensics
Abstract: While enormous digital multimedia data nowadays mostly enrich our everyday
life, cyber terrorists and cyber criminals may use the data to conduct stealthy
communication by steganography, or alter the truth and make fraudulent illusions by
forgery manipulation. The threats posed by hackers, spies, terrorists, and criminals, etc.
using steganography and advanced multimedia forgery techniques for illegal purposes are
realistic for us to concern. To combat and defeat such threats, steganalysis and forgery
detection have become two spots in multimedia forensics.
In this talk, the following contents in steganalysis and forgery detection will be covered:
(1) integrated with information hiding ratio, the concept of image complexity will be
discussed to enhance the evaluation of steganalysis performance; (2) calibrated
neighboring joint density-based approaches will be introduced to distinguish steganograms
from covers in JPEG images; (3) with the aid of ensemble learning, hybrid large feature
mining-based approaches will be presented, in order to address the highly challenging
image forensics problems including the detection of JPEG down-recompression, advanced
seam-carving and inpainting forgery under JPEG compound anti-forensics; and (4)some
open problems in multimedia forensics will be discussed.
This talk will be primarily focused on image-based steganalysis and forgery detection,
audio-based steganalysis and forgery detection could be discussed if possible.
Qingzhong Liu is currently an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Sam Houston
State University (SHSU). His research interests include multimedia forensics, information
assurance, bioinformatics, data analytics, computational intelligence and applications.
His study in multimedia forensics has been sponsored by the National Institute of Justice
and the National Science Foundation. He has been serving on the Technical Program
Committee for the primary conference in multimedia forensics, ACM Workshop on
Information Hiding and Multimedia Security since 2013. He received the Greater Houston
Fraud Impact Award from the Houston Chapter of the Association of Certified Fraud
Examiners in 2015, the Faculty Research Excellence Award from the College of Science
and Engineering Technology of the Sam Houston State University in 2016, and the
Excellence (the excellence award) in Scholarly and Creative Accomplishments Award
from Sam Houston State University in 2017 and he is the sole CS professor and the third
Chinese professor honored with such the excellence award in the SHSU history.
He has published over 100 peer-reviewed papers. According to the data from google
scholar, the citations to his work are over 1700. He is anticipated to serve on the core for
the PhD program in Digital and Cyber Forensic Science, the first such a PhD program in
U.S.A., which will be launched in the fall 2018 by the Department of Computer Science at